I’ve been very well-behaved this weekend, attending several meetings to find good ideas for our school system. But tonight, we took a little side trip, having gotten a tip from a nice local girl at the Flying Saucer about where to find my elusive, rare, favorite brew.
So, we trekked off to the World Market in Hendersonville, and procured the only seven pints they had. We filled up the truck with BP at $1.85, and headed back into Nashville where we grabbed a late supper at John A’s, a comfortable little honky tonk with good food, cold beer, and live music.
Saturday afternoon, after the meetings but before supper, we made a trip to the new Trader Joe’s in Green Hills so that I could stock up on my favorite Columbian coffee. Better than Starbucks, cheaper than Kroger coffee.
Trader Joe’s could make it in Oak Ridge, and would draw at least some traffic from Knoxville, since the quality is on par with places like Fresh Market, but their pricing far more attractive — cheaper even than Kroger or Wal-Mart on some items (like beer, coffee, and sesame seeds, to name just the things I took note of).
I love Oak Ridge. But, we’ve got to improve the retail situation. It really bothers me to shop outside of our town, but there are so many things that we simply cannot purchase at home.
Priorities, priorities, priorities. John A is a real character. Love him to death.
If Trader Joe’s and other retailers thought they could make a decent profit they would be here. Let’s suppose that Trader Joe’s, did indeed, express an interest in OR. I can just imagine the hoops that the planning commission and City Council would try to make them jump through, such as Council last evening, putting a blanket on the propsed development of John Chilton on Edgemoor road. We keep saying we want more retail and developement but we only want it on our terms and only in the location that we want. I don’t think that works for most developers but we still have’nt learned that.
Just my opinion.