Sleepless (before I even get to Seattle)

I woke myself with a yell this morning — heart racing, leaping from the bed, convinced that I was going to miss my plane (which boards at 5:25 a.m.), headed for Seattle for the week.

The clock said 1 a.m., but in the dream that woke me, my mother had just called — something about which dress I was going to allow Beta (now 18) wear for Halloween.  I asked her, in the dream, what time it was… and she said "about five."  This prompted the yell that woke me, and now I’m up for the day.

That dream probably came from spending most of yesterday trying to finish Gamma’s halloween costume.

It’s going to be a long day anyway, but even longer with the three-hour time difference.  That’s okay, though.  At least now I’ve had time to read the newspapers (as is my habit), write a little, and start the day the way I prefer.

I’ve packed everything in my carry-on, to minimize the chances of me arriving in Seattle while my luggage goes to Miami.  That happened when I went to a meeting in Sacramento some years ago, and I’ve never quite recovered from the trauma.  Unfortunately, this makes me a little anxious, wondering if my little bottle of toothpaste is going to make it through security… since I’ve only flown a few times since 9/11, it does seem like the processes change each time.

Anxiety about time and travel aside, I’m looking forward to the T+L Conference.   Technology is an important and growing part of education, but it’s critical to be informed. As most people realize, it’s easy to spend a ton of cash on technology, but there’s a huge difference between having all the latest gadgets and having the right tools for the job.

By the end of today, I’ll be better informed.  And I won’t be sleepless in Seattle.

1 thought on “Sleepless (before I even get to Seattle)

  1. Seattle is my favorite US city to visit. I am sure you will have a great time. Wishing you and other attendees a fruitful conference.

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