A Rare Treat

Tonight, hubby and I have tickets for a concert — one that none of our children are performing in.

The Trans-Siberian Orchestra is performing at Thompson-Bolling Arena, and we’ll be there!

For those unfamiliar with TSO, they’re sort of an odd combination of rock and symphony, bringing in elements of jazz for good measure. I’m sure that RealtorChick is putting short odds on my staying for the duration, given that I’m a bit noise-sensitive. Okay, more than just a bit. But this stuff is… different. It makes me wish I’d become a conductor, or at least that I could stand up and pretend to be without being laughed at.

As cold as it is today — I think the temperature right now, at 49, is as warm as we’ll get — something Christmas-y doesn’t seem out of character. Beyond that is the sheer complexity of the music, a brilliant modern remake of the classics (as in Beethoven, Liszt, et al).

Just for a taste, give a listen to A Mad Russian’s Christmas, or Wish Liszt (toy shop madness). There are quite a few more on the site, so browse at your leisure. And if you think I’m crazy for my taste in music, fine. Go rot your brain with disco.

Update: Best live show I’ve ever seen.  Ever!  I’m definitely buying tickets for next year.

7 thoughts on “A Rare Treat

  1. Thanks for the positive feedback on the TSO Netmom! My wife and I have tickets for their performance in Dayton, Ohio next week and yours is the first feedback I’ve heard about their concert from anyone I know….well, I guess I sort of know you.

  2. Did “Lissakay” just out-LiveBlog Citizen Netmom with that 8:28pm timestamped comment last night? 🙂

    Glad you liked the show. I have used TSO’s “12-24 Sarajevo” CallerTune on my T-Mobile phone during the holidays since 2005.

  3. LissaKay is the tech goddess; I don’t even own a “crackberry” (or iPhone, or similar petit-blogging devices).

    I’m not quite geek enough to drag my laptop to a TSO concert — but hubby did. Thing is, the show kept him so entertained, he never even got it out of the case.

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