Atomictumor broke the news yesterday about the Atomic City Education Society; today, it made the Oak Ridger.

That’s the single greatest thing about this town: the people who live here. ACES started with a few friends who saw a problem, identified a need for public involvement, and stepped up to the plate. It’s not the first time: one of the few sat through an entire City Council meeting not long ago for his three minutes at the microphone… but that wasn’t enough.

AT, GAC, Mrs. Eaves, and Bosphorus: you are the greatest!

There are others working toward the same goal, from PTOs to the Oak Ridge Public Schools Education Foundation, and it’s my hope that the collective, coordinated efforts will turn the tide of the last six years, so that we can continue to offer a public education that prepares all of our kids for the future.

One of mine has already benefited, and started her first day of classes at UT yesterday. Three more are working their way through, from 11th grade down to 6th. But this is about much more than children; the quality of the school system affects most or all of what our city strives toward — increased residency, bringing in new business and retail, and generally improving the quality of life in our community.

I’ll be signing up for some bumper stickers as soon as I can get them, and I hope you will too.

4 thoughts on “ACES

  1. I put my bumpersticker on our vehicle this afternoon and look forward to seeing many many more around town very soon.

    I completely agree with you Netmom. This is a group of young parents that aren’t even effected by the walk zone. They just happen to be concerned about all of the students in Oak Ridge. Good job ACES founders. Best of luck.

  2. Thanks peoples.
    Yeah, my big hope here is to be able to organize enough concerned people and show em how to make their concern translate into action. Lots of people don’t know how to do much other than complain to newspapers and forums (and blogs). Hell, a year ago I thought I’d be the last person involved in something like this.
    My thinking is if gain a high enough profile, that complaining and bitching will hit the right targets.
    However, all of this selfless acting is making me a little uncomfortable. I think I need to start up a pyramid scheme to make up for it…

  3. daco, you’re right about us not being affected by the bus zone, but we are affected by the budget cuts in many other ways.
    The principal of WB told us that this year, they have just enough money in their budget to replace one chair, one mat, and one other thing which I missed.
    The student/teacher ratio is slowly rising, but there’s not enough money to hire teachers to keep the numbers low. Educational field trips and special curriculi are being cut.
    The bussing issue is what slapped a lot of parents in the face, but there are much more important things at stake.

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