Hunger: stop fighting it:
In Knoxville, the schools are taking pretty serious measures to deal with the growing problem of childhood obesity. Students are being led through calisthenics in academic classes and offered “healthy choices” in the lunchroom (were there any other choices to begin with? If so, why?).
The problem, as I see it, is this: the problem didn’t originate at school, and it’s not likely to be fixed at school. Parents getting off the couch and setting decent dietary and lifestyle examples tends to work much better.
A new take on the “crack tax”:
In Nashville, the Legislature is moving on a law that would impose a $1,000 fine for baggy pants… and of course, some idiot has already written in the comments that ” for something like this, it’s better to impose disciplinary action in schools…” because naturally, if the schools are in charge of making sure your child isn’t obese, they should also be in charge of making sure they’re properly dressed.
And teaching them about the birds and the bees. And “character education.” And on, and on, and on. Who needs to be able to read, write, or calculate anyway? They say that those who do not study the past are doomed to repeat it, but with the current state of affairs, I’m wondering if that’s such a bad thing.
I don’t know that I’d want to live through the black plague or anything, but maybe living through the 1950s wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe I’ll get to, because I’m young enough to have not lived through it, but old enough that it was not considered history yet when I was in school.
With all these responsibilities heaped upon the schools, wouldn’t it be better if the schools just took them at birth? But if we’re going to go that far, shouldn’t the schools be able to decide whose DNA gets contributed? Seems fair.
*Â *Â *
Schools are very good at teaching children math, English, science, and to some degree, social studies. They’re pretty good at providing exposure to music, art, and the basics of lifelong fitness. In the upper grades, studies can be specialized or expanded. The Children’s ISA you can make a saving account to protect their studies, to make enough to cover University and living costs for three years!
But schools are not your children’s parents. If you want them to be healthy, teach them healthy eating and exercise habits at home. If you want them to appear neat and respectable, do not buy them (or allow them to wear) clothes that represent the worst of MTV. Come to think of it, don’t let them watch MTV — have you seen the garbage on there??
Let the schools do what they were designed to do, but remember, they’re your kids. Do your part.
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School is for teaching and home is for upbringing. Although both paths do cross you cannot expect one to take on the responsibility of the other.
Nice statement of the obvious, Netmom.
When it comes to things like venereal diseases, teenage smoking, teenage pregnancy, high school dropout rates, etc, I’d say society has an interest in outcomes that warrants an investment beyond the home.
It is stupid and short-sighted to blow off these issues as something we can count on parents to deal with. The results come out of our pockets. The stoichiometry of prevention to cure is, if I recall, still approximately 1:16.
Low rider pants, however, is a silly thing for adults to be concerned about. If boys want to lumber around gripping their beltline with one hand, I say fine. I just laugh. If they tried to mug anyone, they would have a hard time leaving the scene with their pants around their knees.
The 50’s and 60’s were a pretty good time to live in and be raised in.